What does a press pack copy do:
A press pack copy shows many behind the scenes footage and interviews with the cast and crew of the tv series or movie, They also can reveal many teaser trailers and promos for the characters and any scenes in the show or movie and reveal any soundtracks and sound effects they use in the series. They can appear on any social media platforms to advertise posters or adverts to show the public that they can watch the movie or the series if they want to watch the upcoming Netflix series or movie.
What are the codes and conventions of a press pack
The codes and conventions of a press pack is you can include a poster, synopsis about the tv series, age rating, cast and crew, the trailer for the upcoming series or tv show, merchandise, Key scenes images and press contacts on the bottom of the page.
This is one example of a professional press pack
What were the influences of making my poster
The way I have been influenced by making the poster for the Netflix series is by using a forest background from a horror movie since one of the scenes in the series is based on a forest section.
The text font I have inspired from a horror movie I have made the font to make it look like the letters red and bloody to match the theme of the genre series.
What did I change when I made my poster
These are my first two attempts I have made for my Netflix poster and I got feedback and they were not about the genre and theme for the type of show we are filming.
The posters Below I have made changes to I have added the main protagonist on the top of the poster and a I have also made a change to the title of the poster and the original title I have made I have made it as my sub heading I have also made some re arrangements to all of my attempts of my posters I have created I added "A Netflix Series" heading to make sure it is a series made by Netflix and also made the title slightly bigger and smaller for each poster attempt.
What examples did i use to make my press pack
The example I have chosen to use my press pack is an example of a Netflix series called "heartstopper" I have made my press pack copy to look like a Netflix series and add things from a press pack copy from Netflix such as the synopsis the age rating and the movie poster.
How did I make my merchandise
The website I have used to make my merchandise is a website called:
The website has a lot of props to add the poster you can put it in on a bag, a phone case or a massive poster on the wall In the website there is a massive range of other products what you can put your poster on any products what the website is suggesting for the user using the website.
What did I change on my press pack to suit my film?
In my press pack I have added a black background to make it look like the theme of the genre of the series Originally I was supposed to make my background red but it didn't suit for the page and I changed the color to black and made it suit the theme of the series.
Feedback of my press pack:
From the feedback I have received, my feedback I have got were average of 3-4 star ratings I have learnt about how to change some layout design of my press pack to make it look eye catching and professional according to the feedback I have just received.